Jambo Volunteers: Vive entre girafas

Jambo Volunteers: Vive entre girafas
Giraffes passing in front of the Jambo Volunteers House

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 7: Week 1 wrap-up

Wednesday brought two new volunteers: Mario and Elly from Espana! I spent the morning in the school and then the afternoon running errands and going to Nairobi with Luis and Alejandro to pick them up from the airport.

This week I have:
-learned SO many things about Maasai culture and the good work Jambo Volunteers and partners are doing here in Maasailand
-seen giraffes, antelope, miniature deer, ferrets, baboons and more!
-visited a traditional Maasai home
-learned a lot about permaculture and sustainability
-conquered my fear of lighting gas stoves with matches
-met many wonderful people
-eaten goat
-learned that things in Kenya happen poli poli and to slow down
-handed out donations of clothes from my friends back home that made so many children happy
-really returned to my Irish roots and have had potatoes at nearly every meal
-felt dirty enough to relish a freezing cold shower

All in all, a great first week!

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