Jambo Volunteers: Vive entre girafas

Jambo Volunteers: Vive entre girafas
Giraffes passing in front of the Jambo Volunteers House

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last days in Kenya

For my last weekend in Kenya, we took a trip to Nairobi.  After a few Tuskers at a bar, we headed to the Carnivore.  Carnivore is one of the most famous restaurants in Nairobi and is modeled after a Brazilian style carniceria. They carry many rare meats.  I was able to try ostrich meatballs and also some crocodile.  They normally also have camel and buffalo, in addition to the standard roast beef, chicken, pork ribs, lamb and turkey.  It was a really cool place and a wonderful meal.  Afterwards, we went to the club next door where they were having a cultural night for a local tribe. We got to see some traditional singing and dance performances.

My last few days in Maasai land were filled with some small projects and some partying as well.  We added rocks to our foundation for the water tank.  Hopefully, the rest of our volunteers crew will finish it up this week without me and send along pictures.  We got a great estimate on finishing up an addition of two classrooms to the Kimuka school- the foundation has been done for a couple of weeks now but we had been looking to negotiate the rest of the construction and got that finalized and hopefully they will deliver the supplies this week and begin to build next week. We also spent some time working outside at Luis’ place/Jambo headquarters. It is a great model for sustainable agriculture in a semi-arid area and many people come to see it to learn more about permaculture and renewable energy as well. 

My last night in the Terry house was spent partying with my new friends.  We killed Luis’ largest rabbit.  By we, I mean Patrick did it while I stayed in my room until it was skinned and no longer recognizable.  I think it was the first time I’ve seen an animal alive and then been eating it a few hours later.  Mario made a version of what he claims is the original paella- with rabbit, peppers and peas over a huge open fire.  We continued to sample some of the best (?) liquors Kenya has to offer and had a huge Skuma dance party- Pedro and Patrick really stole the show. Hopefully I'll have visitors soon from Kenya, Spain and Columbia!

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